Traditional Italian meat sauce (ragu) prepared in an Instant Pot®. When cooking in an Instant Pot®, the amount of liquid is minimal, so there is no additional...
I whipped up this spaghetti sauce one afternoon and was blown away by the flavor. The roasted red peppers complement the kielbasa and give the sauce a...
This is a delicious simple sauce which goes with anything. You can have it plain over pasta or make lasagna with it. You can make ziti or spaghetti and...
This fresh vegetable sauce can be used in place of other sauces, such as traditional spaghetti sauce. It has a sweet fresh taste to it, but is still recognizable...
An uncooked, sugar-free, and vegetarian pasta sauce that delivers fantastic flavor without cooking away all the nutrients. Perfect for a raw foods diet...
Homemade pizza sauce is incredibly easy, but making it can be a hassle during dinner hour rush or party preparations. This bulk recipe allows you to make...
Rich, delicious, filling and very easy to make. Bacon and leeks are the stars in this creamy white sauce. Serve over your favorite pasta. Linguine and...
This bolognese is a step away from the traditional Bolognese sauce. Warning: for those with a milder palate, you may wish to use less merguez. If you're...
Making marinara sauce is literally one of my favorite things in the world to do. There is almost no way to go wrong other than adding too much salt or...
I got this recipe from my aunt who is a wonderful cook. My husband won't eat spaghetti at restaurants anymore, he says mine is better. Home canned tomatoes...
In grocery stores across the country, frozen and fresh pumpkin raviolis are popping up and selling like hot cakes. The only question is: What kind of sauce...
This is an amazing recipe when it's the middle of summer and you don't feel like working in the kitchen. Light and refreshing, yet quick and easy! Serve...
Yes, the notorious dandelion, or taraxacum officinale has long been a nutritious supplement to salads, stir-frys, soups, condiments, and medicinally. Dent-de-Lion...
This is the most authentic homemade pesto recipe I have ever had! The perfect combination of ingredients that result in the perfect pesto! Store pesto...
Nowadays many people are following the autoimmune paleo protocol (AIP). This restricted version of the paleo diet, in addition to prohibiting grains, legumes,...
I'm eight months pregnant right now, and craving pasta like crazy! But traditional tomato sauce gives me wicked heartburn, so I developed this recipe with...
I grow basil in the summer and make pesto out of it to enjoy in appetizers, on pasta, etc! This basic pesto can be frozen and used in recipes year-round:...
This is a great meaty pasta sauce recipe passed down through the generations from my great great grandfather in Sicily. I also use this sauce when I make...
Best if cooked in slow cooker for several hours, but can be done in as little as two on the stove. May be frozen for use later. Really great over Chicken...
This easy no-cook peanut sauce has a terrific authentic Thai taste. It is spicy and peanutty, and is perfect as a dipping sauce for chicken, shrimp, and...
Turkey is substituted for beef in this dreamy Bolognese sauce, plus your picky eaters might not even notice you've snuck some veggies in. Serve with freshly...
An invigorating, Asian influenced dish. Serve eggplant on a bed of Asian green bean vermicelli, or rice, and top with sauce. Excellently complimented by...
Not low-fat, but low-carb and full of protein and nutrients. A 'treat' meal. May top with an additional sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese and parsley....
This is my mom's incredible (well, to everyone that's tried it) spaghetti sauce that I use for most of my Italian-style dishes. Add herbs and extra water...
Try topping your next bowl of pasta with this hearty spaghetti sauce. For added flavor, try stirring in diced smoked ham just before serving. Serve with...